Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Adventures at the Barre

This past weekend I drove to Nashville, Tennessee to do a weekend barre teachers training. It focused on form and tactile adjustments. The training could be intimidating at times, there were professional dancers and people who were regulars at the studio taking the training, along with those of us who had traveled from far distances to learn.
I have been working on my confidence with a program from Chalene Johnson called Courageous Confidence. I applied many of the lessons I learned this weekend. However, my confidence problem wasn't completely fixed.
I sometimes let my old habit of blending into the background get in the way of my learning. When you can't hear well out of one ear, a group training can be intimidating. I let a particularly confident and beautiful student dominate all of the questioning on my side of the classroom. Luckily, the instructor was very patient. She came from a yoga background and you could tell. She brought a lot of peaceful calm to the mix. She brought me out of the corner so I could get away from that dominant energy, and could also hear better.
Once we went over the manual, the next day we had a lot of tests. My 9 year old had to tag along as our babysitting fell through. This particular weekend he was obsessed with this stuffed dog from a Petsmart Christmas promo back in 2011. He had waitresses bringing that  dog sodas and fries. When it came time for my big test, he gave me the dog to hold for luck. As I was packing it into the cubby his ear fell off. Whoops! Luckily that wasn't a sign, as I did pass.
Overall lessons learned-due to many years working with someone who broke  my confidence regularly by nitpicking everything and praising little, I tend to hide so no one can criticize. I need to stop trying to hide and take up my fair share of space.
This journal is a way to work on that. Thanks for joining me on my journey!

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