Sunday, February 12, 2017

Feeling so much love


 My heart is currently full. For almost 5 years I taught fitness at a small gym. The fitness I taught was high impact, and the environment I worked in was very stressful. I began listening to Chalene Johnson's podcasts again after a few months of slacking, and realized this job was no longer enriching my life in any way.
     My husband travels a lot, and keeps long hours. However, he was having to pick up a lot of slack. I had a philosophy summed up as "never turn down money". That often equaled working 7 days a week, split shifts. If a kid got sick, I couldn't always drop everything and go home. He would get calls in Paris, France, or London, England from the school wanting him to get our youngest who would be feverish or otherwise icky.  We would have to scramble to get our kid.
     The journey began with a clean, organized fridge. Diet is the first and primary step to losing weight.  An organized fridge makes it easier to make right choices. Next I went through my closet. I got rid of anything that didn't make me feel great, or that I hadn't worn in years. No matter how expensive it was. Our local Goodwill got a pair of Chanel shoes I hadn't worn in five year and owned for 10 or 15 years. Ouch!
     Finally, I put in my two weeks notice. I had several formats I taught, from dance fitness to weight training. I decided to concentrate on one workout program-barre. I got the best results from barre. I had been doing it in one form or another for 13 years so I was committed, and I am one of the few instructors in my area. The market is saturated with yoga and dance fitness instructors.
     Now, to the card. When I left my job, the lovely amazing ladies I worked with gave me this card with $100.00 in it. They had taken up a collection-100 reasons why they will miss me. Now keep in mind-I live in a country town in the midwest. $100.00 is a significant amount of money for these ladies, many of whom are on fixed incomes.
     I have a wish list to the tune of a couple of hundred at Houzz and Red Dress Boutique. I wanted to put the money towards that stuff, but I decided I wanted something permanent and lasting to remember these amazing ladies by. I went to Chalene Johnson's webpage and bought the 79.00 Smart Life Push Journal. I plan to use this to "get my shit together". I will figure out what my goals are for the future and use this as a tool to do it right in honor of the love and belief these ladies gave me.

                                                                   Here's to the future!

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